Author Archives: Stevie

Summer Chow

Summer is coming to an end. For lots of people it’s a sad time.  I, however, am very excited for a Minnesota fall.  At the same time I feel like it’s a last chance for favorite summer foods.  So today when I became too hungry to focus on my Grey’s Anatomy marathon I decided to cook a last chance summer lunch.  Chicken salad. I apologize in advance for the lack of photos, but I was too hungry to even think about it.


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 shallot, thinly sliced
  • 1 stalk of celery, finely diced
  • 2 green onions, chopped
  • 1/4 c mayonnaise
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Kosher salt
  • Celery salt
  • Olive oil


  • Preheat oven to 425
  • Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Arrange the sliced shallots on top of the chicken and drizzle with olive oil.  Bake at 425 for 25 minutes.
  • After chicken has cooked, chop and refrigerate until chilled
  • In a medium bowl, mix chilled chicken, mayonnaise, celery and green onions
  • Season with celery salt to taste

Other fantastic additions might be dried cherries, dried cranberries, almond slivers, Dijon mustard, sliced red grapes, bacon, water chestnuts, crunched up maple leaves (stop! I’m only kidding about the last part!).

Anyway, enjoy! Happy weekend!


This weekend in honor of my Norwegian heritage, I dragged my dad and sister to visit the Hjemkomst Center in Moorhead, MN.  Since I’m a history geek, this was an awesome place to visit!  One of my earliest memories is going to visit the Hjemkomst on an elementary school field trip.  I was pleased to see that the Viking ship replica (which actually sailed across the ocean!) looks exactly as I remembered it.

A new addition (OK, 13 years ago, but new for me) was a replica Stave church.  It was absolutely gorgeous.

Both of these awesome structures were built by people who were excited to replicate a piece of their heritage, no matter how long it took and how difficult it was.  Incredible.

Comfort Food

What do you eat when you’re bummed out, stressed, and don’t feel like cooking? 

With my better half out of town attending to a family emergency and work driving me completely nuts, I haven’t felt like cooking since Monday: totally bizarre for me. 

What I wanted was for Chuck Hughes to come over and cook me dinner.  Or to have Rainforest Café Pastalaya.  Or to have a filet with béarnaise sauce, Potatoes Papalette,  tableside spun salad and crème brulee topped with a drizzle of Amaretto from Gianni’s (that’s the dinner I want EVERY day, by the way).

After several nights of eating a couple handfuls of whatever for dinner, I decided last night that it was time to venture back into the kitchen and make something easy and comforting.   I wanted to feel warm and full and to spend no more than 10 minutes cooking.  Enter the world’s most famous comfort food: BUTTERED NOODLES.

I sautéed some garlic and onions in olive oil


Boiled some angel hair pasta in salty water


Mixed the garlic/onion mixture and pasta in the sauté pan, plated it, and topped it all with a pat of butter, grated parmesan cheese and some Italian seasoning.


If I had some spinach and tomatoes I would have added them.  If I had chicken and panko I would have added that too.  But that would have taken more than 10 minutes.

Brown is a Bummer.

We will see what happens….

30 Things…

So I’ve managed to make it through my twenties alive… Phew. As I continue on into the next decade of my life I’ve been thinking toward the future. What will the next ten years bring?

I’ve been inspired by several blogs listing 29 things the author wants to do while she/he is 29 etc. I’ve been trying to come up with a list of 30 things I’d like to do in my 30s. The list will not be complete today. However, I do have a start and will keep it up-to-date. Here is the beginning, in no particular order:

 1. Purchase a home

 2. Open a restaurant

3. See a tornado. Live. In person.

4. Have a healthy savings account

 5. Visit New York City

It’s only five, but they are five important goals.

Dear Cooking Blog Writer Part 2

Dear Cooking Blog Writer:

It wasn’t exactly what I was asking for, but I laughed my ass off.


Photo here


73. Many people who are interested in meeting other people read books, attend seminars or listen to cassettes to keep up with the latest techniques for improving social skills. How many of the following words and phrases related to meeting new people are you familiar with?

     Telephoning             Face-to-face contact
     Networking              Blind Date
     Go-between              Dating Service
     Social Influence        Interpersonal insighter
     Referral                Social Poise

I know, am familiar with, or have heard or read something about all these words and phrases.
I only recognize some of them.
I don’t recognize any of them.

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An Open Letter to My Neighbor

Dear Folks in Apartment 216,

Hello. This is your friendly neighbor from downstairs. We’ve been living in close vertical proximity for about 6 weeks now, and although we have never met face to face I feel as if we’ve gotten to know each other.

For instance, I’ve learned that when you get home from work you thrash around in your closet for a really long time. I’ve learned that you have an army of little people in moon boots tromping through your living room for at least 5 hours a day. I’ve learned that every wall in your apartment is covered with thousands of pictures, each pounded into the walls with multiple nails (that is the only explanation for the incessant pounding to which I am trying to become accustomed).

On the flip side, you’ve learned that when you cannonball off your sofa onto the living room floor, causing my ceiling and light fixtures to rattle, my dogs bark. And bark. And bark. I’ve tried to explain to them that it’s just our neighbor practicing a diving routine, but they don’t care. You’ve also learned that while I may seem patient and tolerant I do occasionally lose my cool, like yesterday when I pounded on the ceiling using the leg my movers broke off of my piano. I don’t know if you were surprised, but my roomie and my dogs looked at me like I’d grown an extra head.

Neighbor, last week I noticed a couple drops of water coming from the light fixture in my bathroom. I didn’t really think much of it because it stopped right away. Big mistake!

This morning I groggily moved from the bed to the shower and flipped the light switch. Nothing. Damn! I thought. I’m going to have to shower in the dark. I looked up and realized that the entire globe was filled with dirty-looking water. Sick! The ceiling around the light fixture was visibly wet.

My mind raced as I hastily showered in the low-light conditions while staring fearfully at the light fixture. Obviously something disgusting had occurred in your bathroom, neighbor. My money is on a toilet overflow. So basically, there is a glass globe full of shit water precariously dangling from my ceiling.

After my shower as I frantically searched for my dead cell phone I began to wonder why you had not already alerted maintenance of this major problem. Was it a purposeful attack on me as payback for those three unapologetic raps on my ceiling? Or maybe there’s a reason you don’t want maintenance to enter your apartment. Perhaps it’s because you have an elaborate weed growing operation in the closet adjacent to your bathroom. Maybe the army of little people in moon boots are not on your lease…

Anyway, I found my phone, contacted the office, and my suspicion was confirmed. You did not report whatever problem is occurring in your bathroom. Thankfully, the gentleman who answered my call sensed my panic and assured me that maintenance would be here soon.

Neighbor, I’m wondering if you have a suggestion as to how to avoid certain bathroom disaster. I am very afraid that the shit water-filled globe is about to come crashing down, shattering and causing a major disaster. I feel as if I should put something soft on the floor under the globe to prevent any broken glass, however I’m not sure I am willing to sacrifice any of my textiles to raw sewage generated by someone I don’t even know.

I am now heading to the grocery store dear neighbor. I am hopeful that when I return home this issue will have been resolved. I even have a peace offering for you: if this situation can be fixed without me having to come in contact with whatever sludge is filling my light fixture, I will openly accept your couch cannonballing habit.

I’m hoping for the best, neighbor.


Day 10: Upgrade Your Breakfast

What’s your favorite breakfast food?  Cinnamon rolls?  Donuts?  Bagels?  Blueberry muffins? 

Today’s challenge is to trade in your usual breakfast for a healthier option (if you’re a breakfast skipper that means you’ll need to eat).  If you already had breakfast today that’s OK, do it tomorrow. 

Why is eating breakfast such a big deal?  People who eat breakfast tend to make healthier meal choices throughout the day.  Eating a satisfying, well-balanced first meal can also help you avoid that late morning junk food craving.  Need some ideas on what to eat?  Here are some ideas:

  • Egg beaters
  • Turkey Bacon
  • Oatmeal
  • Grapefruit
  • Berries
  • Hard-boiled Eggs
  • Cottage Cheese

Discussion:  (use the comments section below)

  • What’s your favorite healthy breakfast item?
  • What changes can you make to ensure you have time for a healthy breakfast every day?

Photo here

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Day 9: Add a Serving of Vegetables to Your Day

We are supposed to eat between 5 and 9 servings of fruits and veggies every day.  Every time I hear that I think it sounds completely impossible.  Today’s task is not moving mountains, but it will get us one step closer to the goal.  Today we will add one serving of vegetables each day.

Here are some ideas to help you achieve this goal:

  • Have an afternoon snack of vegetables (carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter, etc)
  • Add a green salad to every dinner
  • Add chopped peppers or tomatoes to your scrambled eggs, omelet or frittata in the morning
  • Keep a stash of frozen veggies in your freezer.  They’re quick and easy to cook with dinner

Be careful, though.  It can be tempting to slather those veggies in butter, cheese, or high-calorie sauces.  Personally I recommend a couple sprays of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray.  Honestly.  It tastes good.

Discussion: (Use the comments section below)

  • Do you eat enough fruits and vegetables every day?
  • What roadblocks keep you from eating the recommended daily allowance for fruits and vegetables?
  • What strategy are you going to try to improve your veggie intake?


Photo here

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