Tag Archives: goals

Day 1: Document Your Health Goal(s)

Welcome to Day 1 of the 28 Days to a Healthier Life Challenge.  Today’s task is to set the framework for what you will accomplish in the next 28 days.

The number one message I have consistently heard from the most successful people I know is: “Set goals for yourself.  Have a plan.”  Essentially, you need to have a road map to your own success.

Chances are you’re reading this post because you want to make a healthy, positive change in your life.  Maybe you want your clothes to fit better.  You might want to lose some weight.  Or it could be that you want to be able to run farther during your workouts.

Regardless of your current health/fitness level, setting a specific, measurable goal for yourself is critical if you want to succeed (ex. “I want to look better in my work clothes” is not specific or measurable.  Change it to “I will fit into my J. Crew suit pants by Feb 28th” and you’re in business).  And please: make it realistic.  You’ll want to stretch yourself a bit, but if your goal is completely unattainable you’re likely to give up halfway through the challenge.

Once you have your specific, measurable health/fitness goal, make sure to document it.  Here are some ideas for you:

  • Write your goal on a notecard and keep it in your wallet
  • Write your goal on a Post-It and stick it on your mirror, your computer monitor, your fridge, your dashboard or somewhere else where you’ll see it multiple times each day
  • Find an image in a magazine that represents success.  Some people take this a step further and create a “vision board”: a collection of images, quotes, prose etc. representing their desired outcome
  • Tell someone your goal and ask them to hold you accountable (an “accountabilibuddy”)

My personal goal is to drop 10 pounds in 28 days through diet modifications, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle changes over the course of this challenge.  My documentation strategy is to publish my goal and my results on this blog.

Want to share?  Use the comments section below to write about:

  • Your specific health/fitness goal
  • Your documentation strategy
  • Tips for creating specific, measurable goals
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