Monthly Archives: April 2011

30 Things…

So I’ve managed to make it through my twenties alive… Phew. As I continue on into the next decade of my life I’ve been thinking toward the future. What will the next ten years bring?

I’ve been inspired by several blogs listing 29 things the author wants to do while she/he is 29 etc. I’ve been trying to come up with a list of 30 things I’d like to do in my 30s. The list will not be complete today. However, I do have a start and will keep it up-to-date. Here is the beginning, in no particular order:

 1. Purchase a home

 2. Open a restaurant

3. See a tornado. Live. In person.

4. Have a healthy savings account

 5. Visit New York City

It’s only five, but they are five important goals.